Friday, August 19, 2011

What are your guilty pleasures?

What are the things you probably enjoy and having this pleasures despite of having a guilty feelings? Apparently you would think of something nasty, crazy or naughty things. Guilty pleasures are sometimes or most of the times be associated with the sexual acts but its totally not..Its everything!

Most of the time you are blind of  enjoying doing a certain things but you just cant admit to yourself that you are loving it. Like collecting kiddie stuffs at your mature age. Lets take this scenario as an example:

Girl 1: hey, still fond of collecting barbie doll stuff?
Girl 2: Huh? No! I just want to have this display in my room.

that's guilty pleasures!

Your secrets can sometimes be your guilty pleasures. No one knows except you and yourself . Its the war within your self. For instance: 

Guy 1 having and ipod singing out loud listening to lady gaga's song then suddenly stops when someone's approaching. Ops! its a dirty little secret that you go gaga to lady gaga's song. shhhhh!

Again, that guilty pleasure!

Adoring someone even if in the same sex would probably a guilty pleasure. I doesn't mean that you would have an intimate encounter or you're a gay or what. Sexuality is never an issue about this. 


(at the locker room)
Guy1: bro, I like your nipple piercing. and your hair too. its cool! You look good at it.
Guy2: huh? okay! thanks...

Ops! Guy 2 didn't like the idea that Guy 1 is adoring him. but its a Guilty pleasure towards guy 1.

So what are you guilty plesures?  I think its a Gulity pleasure for me writing this Blog at around 4:11am and still im not hitting my bed...dude, that's a guilty pleassure! 

Share with me your guilty pleasures... your dirty little secrets! lotsa love peace out! 

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