Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our Mother

I was formally introduced to her when I was in  level one (kindergarten ) at La Salle way back 1992. So everytime September strike the school calendar, we were tasked to make a personalized birthday card to her as a greetings and offer it to her at the school chapel;we were doing that every 8th of September. I was young then all I know that she is the mother of our savior Jesus Christ. 

''In the Fullness of Time, God sent His son, born of a virgin.'' 
The Queen

This is based on the scripture were roman catholic venerated mother Mary . She is also called St. Mary, mother of Jesus, the virgin Mary, blessed virgin Mary, our mother Mary , the mother of God and  The Queen of heaven and earth. These are just the few of the many titles that most of us call her. 

Mama Mary

I personally call her Mama Mary. She probably knows all my problems and even secrets! I got to share with her what I can't share to my biological mother .I don't know why I felt the relieved every time I talked to her in a prayer. She is our mother and my mother who always listen and comfort us even despite of our sinfulness. Indeed a mother. 

Mother Of Christ 
Mary and baby Jesus

She played a very Important role of Jesus while he was on earth. "from womb to tomb".  She was there at the very first miracle that Jesus did at the Wedding of Cana where she suggested to make water to wine. Also Mary is present during the crucifixion and death of her son Jesus Christ. 

Give her the right credits

Mother Mary
Tomorrow will be her special day, the nativity of Mary. So few minutes/hours of our personal time is enough to honor her right? Im encouraging you to go to the church and offer her flowers. If you can do, it can take 30 minutes to say a rosary to greet her on this special day. And If im not mistaken all churches will offer her a special mass. Be there and hear the mass. 


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