Tuesday, September 13, 2011

and she won: 2011 Miss Universe

Sao Paulo, Brazil crowned the new Miss Universe! She is  Leila Lopez of Angola, Miss Universe 2011. No one ever expected it. I myself was rooting for Ms. Philippines, Shamcey Supsup.

She proves to the Universe that she can be Miss Universe and Miss Angola did.

But her winning is a trending topic at Twitter.  Twitter Enthusiast burst there anger why she won the 2011 Miss Universe. I was reading tweets at my timeline and almost all were very disappointed why she won the competition. I am a Filipino so I want Miss Philippines to be crowned. Though not all, it is a known fact that Filipino want a Filipino to be crowned as Miss Universe. So I'l be biased really!

Miss Angola won  the crown and I can't change that. We can't change that.

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