Thursday, September 15, 2011

Top Quote of the month (September)

Shamcey Supsup
''If I had to change my religious beliefs, I would not marry the person that I love because the first person I love is God, Who created me. I have my faith and my principles, and this is what makes me who I am. And if that person loves me, he should love my God, too ''  -

Shamcey Supsup, 2011 Miss Universe 3rd runner-up 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Oprah Winfrey stated ''Miss Philippines deserve to win''

Hours after the Sao Paulo, Brazil Crowned the New Miss Universe, still the the decision of the judges regarding Miss Angola's winning is a hot topic at the whole world through Internet. May it be at Facebook, tumbler and twitter all of these are filled with the result of Miss Universe 2011, specifically Miss Angola and Miss Philippines. 

In a report on NBC news  the Queen of talk and Hollywood Superstar made a controversial statement about Miss Universe 2011 result and she said that miss Philippines deserve the crown. Here is Oprah's statement:   

''I have a reservations with the result. If Only basis is the Q and A portion, After having been trimmed down to 5, miss Philippines deserve to win. What made her different from the rest is that she had no seconds to rethink of her answer as she had no interpreter to break the ice. The rest had their interpreters and having breaks on seconds to think about their answers. Hands down, Ms. Philippines answered straight to the point ''  

Miss Philippines deserve to win!  
On Personal note, again Miss Angola won the crown and we cant change that and also If you are really an Oprah Winfrey fanatic would you really believe she actually said that?  what are your thoughts? 

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and she won: 2011 Miss Universe

Sao Paulo, Brazil crowned the new Miss Universe! She is  Leila Lopez of Angola, Miss Universe 2011. No one ever expected it. I myself was rooting for Ms. Philippines, Shamcey Supsup.

She proves to the Universe that she can be Miss Universe and Miss Angola did.

But her winning is a trending topic at Twitter.  Twitter Enthusiast burst there anger why she won the 2011 Miss Universe. I was reading tweets at my timeline and almost all were very disappointed why she won the competition. I am a Filipino so I want Miss Philippines to be crowned. Though not all, it is a known fact that Filipino want a Filipino to be crowned as Miss Universe. So I'l be biased really!

Miss Angola won  the crown and I can't change that. We can't change that.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11

Good morning,Its about 12:10am and today is 9/11,

Exactly a decade after the Mighty United States of America was deliberately attacked by a terrorist on the morning of September 11, 2001. The two planes was intentionally crashed into the World Trade center or also known as Twin towers. The two towers collapsed.

Time line for the day of September 11 attacks 

''... early in the morning of September 11, 19 hijakcers took control of the four commercial airliners en route to San Francisco and Los Angelos after take off from Boston...8:30am, five hijackers crashed American airlines flight 11 into the World Trade North Center (1WTC) and 9:03am another five hijackers crashed United Airlines 175 into the South Towers (2WTC)"

No one ever expected that incident until it happened!  I was going to school ( I was freshmen high) at that time when the news broke out through a breaking news form a morning news show Alas Singko Y medya ( a morning show of ABS CBN literally means 5:30am) . I really thought It was just a scene of a certain Hollywood movie until my dad reacted, but I ignored it for the fact that I was not into current events at that time. It was a normal day for me and it was! I arrived at the school and attended my first class-A-history-class! First thing I heard from our teacher was about the attacked. This means more information about what happen and it made sense to me. Our teacher even made it as an home work to gather a news clippings about the 9/11 attacked. Upon going home, as expected all news was the attacked and that time was so clear to me that it was a TERRORIST ATTACK!

The 9/11 was tragic! I personally called it a black day. Many got injured and the worst many died; civilians and military alike. The whole world mourned and cry together with the Americans.

"There were a total of 2, 996 deaths, including the 19 hijackers and 2,977 victims. The victims included 246 on the four planes (from which there were no survivors), 2,606 in the New York city in the towers and on the ground, 125 at the pentagon. All deaths in the attacks were civilian except for 55 military personnel killed at the pentagon.."

The 9/11 attacks made an immediate impact to the Americans and also to the world. People went out to there homes to help in rescuing. Vigils around the world were made. Leaders around the globe condemned the attacked. But the incident increases the tension of Muslim and non-Muslim around the world.  Significantly after the attack all countries across the world are into the combat of terrorism which includes the Philippines.  

10 years after, I can say that USA or the MIGHTY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has recovered in terms of damage and integrity. Also we must not forget the scars left to the family of the victims ( civilians, rescuers , military) until this day they are still wishing that 9/11 attacks didn't exist and thus their love ones are still alive living with them.

''On the day of the attacks, New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani proclaimed, ''we will rebuild. We're going to come ot this stronger than before, politically stronger,economically stronger. The skyline will be made whole again'' 

Remembering 9/11
the 9/11 attacks
the world trade center

the first plane

As we commemorate the 9/11. Lets not forget the victims of the attacks, the rescuers who were there since day one of the attack and also to the military who fought for Justice. Its amazing how the family of the victims moved on from that tragic black 9/11. Lets give the credit to the American Government which they supported the family of the victims financially and emotionally.Today is a moment of prayer. A moment  of remembering 9/11.

''On every anniversary, in the New York, the names of the victims who died there are read out against a backround of somber music. the President of the United States of  America also attends a memorial service at pentagon.''

Two beams of light represent the former twin towers of the World Trade Center during the 2004 memorial of the September 11, 2001 attacks.

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Shamcey Supsup! PHILIPPINES!

Miss Philippines Shamcey Supsup on spotlight at Padpaper. 


miss universe 2011 at sao paulo, brazil

shamcey supsup, 25 phil.
evening gown 
National Costume

The images above were found at miss universe website Search and may be subject to trademark or copyright

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our Mother

I was formally introduced to her when I was in  level one (kindergarten ) at La Salle way back 1992. So everytime September strike the school calendar, we were tasked to make a personalized birthday card to her as a greetings and offer it to her at the school chapel;we were doing that every 8th of September. I was young then all I know that she is the mother of our savior Jesus Christ. 

''In the Fullness of Time, God sent His son, born of a virgin.'' 
The Queen

This is based on the scripture were roman catholic venerated mother Mary . She is also called St. Mary, mother of Jesus, the virgin Mary, blessed virgin Mary, our mother Mary , the mother of God and  The Queen of heaven and earth. These are just the few of the many titles that most of us call her. 

Mama Mary

I personally call her Mama Mary. She probably knows all my problems and even secrets! I got to share with her what I can't share to my biological mother .I don't know why I felt the relieved every time I talked to her in a prayer. She is our mother and my mother who always listen and comfort us even despite of our sinfulness. Indeed a mother. 

Mother Of Christ 
Mary and baby Jesus

She played a very Important role of Jesus while he was on earth. "from womb to tomb".  She was there at the very first miracle that Jesus did at the Wedding of Cana where she suggested to make water to wine. Also Mary is present during the crucifixion and death of her son Jesus Christ. 

Give her the right credits

Mother Mary
Tomorrow will be her special day, the nativity of Mary. So few minutes/hours of our personal time is enough to honor her right? Im encouraging you to go to the church and offer her flowers. If you can do, it can take 30 minutes to say a rosary to greet her on this special day. And If im not mistaken all churches will offer her a special mass. Be there and hear the mass.