Saturday, May 1, 2010

I support national day of world prayer

I support the national day of world prayer. Prayers could move mountains, its a Cliché but true.

pray hard. pray harder.

I got this invitation through my facebook account and I just want to share this also with you. And I think I would definitely pray for some reasons. One would be personal, of coarse we have its personal reasons why we pray. it might be for our love ones or for ourselves. Second, for our country Philippines, eight days left before may 10 and our country needs it. we need to reflect and pray for the right candidates to choose. and lastly to all CHRISTIAN SOCIETY.

On MAY 06,2010, some maybe working or even at school. but definitely will be praying.

I got this invitation below from my mentor:

Let us all rally together around the world for twenty four hours of prayer on Thursday, May 6, 2010 EST!

Check out the brand new event promo video and share:

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" - Edmund Burke

This is an online event that is happening for 24 hours so regardless of where you are in the world you can participate in this historic event (even if for only a few minutes). We will release the full schedule in the next couple of days but we will have a full 24 hours of non stop programming and interactive prayer from around the world via our LIVE internet campus.

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20

We will have set times for messages on prayer, worship music, people praying for specific miracles in health, finances, relationships, and much much more.

For the first time in history we will try to assemble a unique LIVE interactive National / International Day of Prayer where people from all corners of the earth will lift up your specific prayer requests and to pray for all world leaders, the lost, and to see literal / verifiable miracles from around the globe. There is power in prayer and the world will see just how powerful unified prayer and fasting can be as we join together in the largest online / interactive twenty four hours of prayer!

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Will you be part of History and experiencing God like never before? Will you help us invite over a million people from around the world? We can't do it without you!

So, please INVITE every friend you have on Facebook to this event and lets start praying and believing for a million or more people around the world come together in unity and agree for an unprecedented move of God in 2010.

We believe on this day we will see revival began to sweep the land! We believe your friends, family, and co-workers will be supernaturally drawn to hear one of four specific messages on salvation that we will be presenting throughout the day.

WE WILL RELEASE THE LIVE VIEWING LINK ON MAY 5, 2010 - Please pre-register letting us know we can count on seeing you at some point throughout the day on Thursday, May 6, 2010. This will also help us plan on the correct amount of bandwidth to ensure no one misses out.

Most importantly - pre-registering allows us to email you directly the viewing link and complete broadcast schedule so you don't miss out.

Due to the number of participants in this event Facebook does not give us the option of sending reminders. The only way to get a reminder email is to pre-register at the following link (submit your specific prayer requests as well as any suggestions):

Don't forget to invite all of your Facebook friends right now using the "invite people to come" links on the right!



If you are unable to log on during our 24 hours of prayer broadcast, but would be willing to commit to fasting and praying from wherever you are in the world let us know at this link:

miss and mr mandaue online votes updates


as of april 29,2010,

Mariano dandie is at # 3. keep the votes coming for mariano dandie dimataga. HE is media choice. and soon to be Mr.Mandaue.

vote mariano dandie dimataga

support mariano dandie dimataga for Mr. Mandaue 2010. There will be an online voting. [ 1email-add=1 vote. ] . Just visit and find his picture (candidate#13) on the finalist page. click on it and at the upperright side of the pop-up window click to vote.

All SMART USERS: there will be a texter's choice award, these are the details to vote:TYPE: MRMANDAUEPOLLM and send to 9977

here are the updates of the online voting

Mr. Mandaue 2010
Rank Finalist Name %
1 MR 07 Kim 23.31
2 MR 04 Aivor 19.63
3 MR 13 Mariano 10.56
4 MR 15 Mike 10.25
5 MR 11 Gil 8.94
6 MR 10 Michael 7.22
7 MR 03 Marc Kelvin 4.42
8 MR 14 Lyle 4.11
9 MR 06 Martini 3.58
10 MR 08 Naiel 2.29
11 MR 09 Dan 2.29
12 MR 02 Loreniel 1.15
13 MR 12 Nelson 1.11
14 MR 01 Dennis 0.74
15 MR 05 Marc Kenneth 0.40
TOTAL 100.00

Miss Mandaue 2010
Rank Finalist Name %
1 MS 08 Joanne 17.98
2 MS 14 Karina 11.77
3 MS 10 Jescel 11.46
4 MS 06 Amelie 10.42
5 MS 12 Kerrie 9.68
6 MS 11 Katrina 8.80
7 MS 15 April 7.54
8 MS 09 Gerlie 7.33
9 MS 03 Apple 4.41
10 MS 01 Guada 3.51
11 MS 05 Kim 2.94
12 MS 04 Sharon 2.75
13 MS 02 Gwen 0.76
14 MS 07 Tanchellie 0.55
15 MS 13 Jomalyn 0.09
TOTAL 100.00

vote mariano dandie dimataga

credits to dandie dimataga for the image and miss mandaue facebook for the ranking.