Tuesday, April 27, 2010


choose the right candidates this MAY 10 Election. 12 days left before election. please vote wisely!


A tribal chief meets his political rival

credits to: *Video Story and Animation by DF Member Ramon del Prado* and www.atom.com


First, was Corazon Aquino

Former Philippine President Corzaon Aquino

Then next was her son
Running for Philippine President (2010 election) Noynoy Aquino

These two Aquino made it to the TIME Magazine Cover, First was during in 1987 and now in 2010. Binigno "noynoy" Aquino, cover in TIME magazine April 25 issue. We'll it must be an Achievement for him to conquer TIME. I admit I Haven't read the issue yet not until today when I found an article about this April 25 issue. This issue entitled ''CAN NOYNOY SAVE THE PHILIPPINES''.

Here are some excerpts from this issue:

  • ''It's past midnight in Zamboanga and Benigno (Noynoy) Aquino III slouches in his chair, a glass of Coke in one hand and a cigarette in another. He's tired and bleary-eyed and wracked by a cold. A grueling day of audiences, processions and interviews in three different provinces across the southern Philippine island of Mindanao is drawing to a close in the hotel lobby...''
  • ''For the Philippines, Aquino is an unlikely man of the moment. At a rally earlier in the day, tens of thousands had crammed into a stadium to hear the presidential candidate speak. Kris Aquino, his youngest sister and a celebrity talk-show host, revved up the crowd alongside her husband, an equally telegenic basketball star. High-school dance troupes garbed in yellow — the Aquino colors — spun cartwheels on stage. Yet when 50-year-old Noynoy emerged, hunched and bespectacled, amid blaring music and streams of confetti, he cut an awkward figure. Shirt loose, pants baggy and hair thinning, he looked more an abashed computer nerd than the sort of brash, swaggering politician that has become the stock-in-trade in the Philippines...''
  • ''Yet, for all the zeal he inspires, aquino himself is also a product of the status quo. Both his parents, Ninoy and Cory, came from pedigreed stock — landed, aristocratic families that have long been part of the ruling establishment. Similarly, Aquino's vice-presidential running mate, Mar Roxas, is the grandson of Manuel Roxas, the country's first President. Arroyo, their erstwhile foe, is the daughter of Diosdado Macapagal, another President from the early days of the republic. And though they eventually faced each other as enemies, Ninoy and Marcos were members of the same fraternity at an elite Philippine university. Like a pantomime of ancient Rome, Manila's political landscape has been shaped for generations by the intimacies and vendettas of an entrenched rank of patricians.

for full article click: TIME MAGAZINE 

My Personal note, is the APRIL 25 ISSUE a plus point for him or not? is it a shame or our pride? Apparently, read the whole article and discover for yourself.

I'am a filipino

12 days left to election. vote and be heard! choose the right one! greener Philippines or Yellow for change?

image from I am for ninoy not for noynoy facebook account

Monday, April 26, 2010

techy iPAD

The best way to experience the web. All that and more in one ''techy'' gadget known as iPad. Not an iPod but an iPAD! Yes, I got it right. released in April 2010. Developed by Apple Incorporated.

Apple inc. are not paying me on this, but I just want to list down some views why i like this new techy gadget:

Personally, I really want to have this gadget. If you are fond in searching things in Wikipedia, then go rediscovered how great this gadget is.


Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease. Here in our country, the Philippines. There are places which are consider a MALARIA risk spot which includes palawan area, the whole mindanao and some areas in the northern luzon. The Fight against Malaria here in our country for me is not that effective. For aside form the poor funding of our government. The isolation villages or barangay which are situated in the mountainous area are making it hard for the patient having MALARIA can seek medical and nursing treatment. Well, sad to say our government has done nothing to eradicates such disease. In the other hand The global fund is helping Philippines achieved its gaol to MALARIA FREE PHILIPPINES by 2020. I just Really hope by that time, I would surely say that we are MALARIA free country.

World Malaria day - A Day to Act

25 April is a day of unified commemoration of the global effort to provide effective control of malaria around the world. This year's World Malaria Day marks a critical moment in time. The international malaria community has less than a year to meet the 2010 targets of delivering effective and affordable protection and treatment to all people at risk of malaria, as called for by the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon.
More info on the World malaria day site

Credits to http://www.rollbackmalaria.org/ for the image above

vote mariano dandie dimataga

Support Mariano Dandie Dimataga for Mr. Mandaue 2010.There will be an onlinevoting. [ 1 email-add=1 vote. ] Just visit http://www.missmandaue.com/finalists.php
(MrMandaue doesnt have an official website so they mixed it nalang). Start Voting now!.

and to All SMART USER: there will be a txterschoice. to vote. TYPE:Mrmandaue(space)poll(space)letter of choice(letter M) send to 9977.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

A glimpse of Hacienda Luisita

I knew this famous Hacienda during 2004, were farmers were killed. Thats all I know, well aside that it is own by the famous figures in our country.

As I searched on Wikipedia ,Hacienda Luisita is a 6 435 hectares own by the Cojuangco family which includes former president Corazon Aquino and her son Benigno “noynoy” Aquino who is now running for the highest position in the Philippines. The hacienda is as large as a two cities combines. Well apparently is very large. And the history of these estates is being divided into 8 periods The Hacienda was originally owned by Compania General de Tobacoo de Filipinas, a Holding company owned by the Spaniards. It was during 1950’s that the hacienda was owned by Don Pepeng Cojuango ( father of former president Corazon Aquino) when then the late President blocked the sells of the hacienda to the Lopes’.. Fearing that the lopes’ would be to powerful if the still own the hacienda having these alredy own the meralco and ABS-CBN and other land properties in the western visayas. President Agsaysay offered the land to the Cojuangco’s.
That’s all I now about the hacienda Luisita. Now the issues here, the family garnered criticism of the ownership of the land. Some people views it as oligarchy. Second is that on November 16, 2004 were 12 farmers and their children were brutally killed and hundreds were injured. The protestors were fighting a fairer wage, increase benefits and a greater assurance of the land reform.

The images above were found by Google Image Search and may be subject to trademark or copyright

Why him?

I got this note through a friend who is for Gilbert "GIBO" Teodoro. Actually He was the one who convinced me to switch a candidate. Apparently, I was before for Benigno "noynoy" Aquino for quite sometimes form the time that noynoy announced his candidacy up until last month. I was so firm that I am for NOYNOY'S candidacy. Well until now I admit Im still on the process of deciding who truly deserve my vote. I consider GIBO and NOYNOY. These two guys are cousins and I am deciding which is which. While opening my FACEBOOK account, a very close friend send me a note about why should I vote for GIBO. Apparently, I read this long yet very touching blog from http://travelifemagazine.blogspot.com. Its entitled "TALKING TRAVEL WITH GILBERT TEODORO" In that entry the author are trying to tell us the experienced she had while interviewing GIBO despites its busy schedule for his campaign. One thing i learned form reading that blog. GIBO is the best candidate. well wanna share this also to you. so read and try to reflect.

credits to : travelifemagazine.blogspot.com

enjoy reading and think...

("He's really the best candidate," so many people said repeatedly to me that day, after GIBO had talked solidly and sensibly about what he would do if he were president. I'd bumped into some senior multinational executives at the Pen lobby that afternoon while waiting for GIBO to arrive and they'd said this again and again. "He's really the best candidate. It's just too bad he won't win. Wrong time."

This was a phrase I would hear over and over in the weeks after that. It's often hard to open up about politics and this election to friends and acquaintances because people have become so polarized that it's almost shocking to discover that friends you thought were on the same page with you are on completely different continents regarding presidential candidates. Well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and it's really not for others to judge these -- including us.

But when the topic did creep up, and still does creep up, it was equally shocking that almost everyone I spoke to thought GIBO was the best. I knew people liked him, but I didn't think almost everyone did. Whether it was over lunch with travel companions from Manila and Cebu at a seafood restaurant in Mumbai, at drinks with competitors at the Fort, or at a trade show meeting clients for the first time, the refrain was the same that it was starting to ring in my head like a jingle without a tune: "GIBO's the best candidate. It's too bad he won't win."

A tragedy for us, not for him

Then I realized: too bad for whom? Of course if GIBO doesn't make it, I'm sure he (and his supporters) will be extremely disappointed. But he's young, talented and energetic. Whether he becomes president of a country or just president of a family company, or even if he ends up a regular lawyer instead of Philippine president, I'm almost sure he will land on his feet and still lead a good, successful and purposeful life. His family may even be happier that they will have him all to themselves instead of having to share him with 90 (last count?) million other Filipinos for six years.

The real tragedy lies with us Filipinos: if so many of us truly believe GIBO is the best candidate to navigate the Philippines through these very tough times and we don't do what we can to make him president. If we believe he'll make the best president and yet we don't elect him because other candidates have more money, more machinery, more pedigree or a couple of very powerful media behind them, we've basically slammed the door on an opportunity that doesn't come very often in the history of a country. Truly great presidential material is rare anywhere, but it's perhaps rarer in countries like ours where real skills and capabilities take the backseat to sentimentalism, showbiz and media perceptions. Don't we deserve and need the best qualified person as president, especially at this very crucial time for ourselves and the world?

We don't need popularity or pedigree, but capability

Face it. We don't need popularity (although that makes the job easier) or pedigree for a president, we need someone who really wants to finally get this country out of the mess we're in; and who can make sensible and rational decisions for the good of the majority, who has enough foresight to plan for the future of a population, and who can effectively manage the meager resources of the population for maximum results. Please tell me -- popularity aside, which of the candidates is best equipped to do this very difficult job? Winning the elections is the easiest part of the process. It's the after part that counts.

Now if I was going around the country or the world -- I'm typing this out in a hotel room in Kobe, having just arrived from Hong Kong, where I did meet many Filipino professionals -- and Filipinos I'm meeting are not saying GIBO is the best qualified, then that's another story. In fact, there's no story at all.

Mediocrity can't be an option for poor countries

But having so many people believing GIBO is the best but that he won't get elected is a tragedy of almost comic proportions -- and it's really a tragedy not for him, but for us: a poor country that could really use a darn good and capable president with honest intentions and sincere motives. It's not enough right now for us to elect an honest president (who can't run a country) or a very capable president (with questionable motives) -- or worse, a person with neither capability nor good motives, but just popularity.

This is GIBO's time -- not because he should be president or because he wants to be president, but because we need someone capable like him to run this country and finally get us out of our rat hole. A candidate with the right pedigree or enough popularity can easily win an election, but after the posters and banners have been taken down, the serious business begins. And the Philippines can't be run on the legacy of parents or the shine of showbiz alone. I can't stress enough how we need a truly capable person as president, and how damaging six years with a lousy president will be.")

Friday, April 23, 2010

vote now: mariano dandie dimataga

The Online voting of Mr. and Miss Mandaue starts on April 24, 2010. A valid email address is required for you to cast a vote. Guys, remember one email address means one vote. Visit the official website of Miss Mandaue for u to vote: Visit this site: http://www.missmandaue.com/

Now the next question is whose to vote? one question and one answer . Vote mariano dandie dimataga for mr. mandaue. Wanna know him more? just search his name on facebook or visit this blogsite at http://iamclauvenrn.blogspot.com/2010/04/we-support-mariano-dandie-dimataga-and.html. Vote now and Vote Mariano Dandie Dimataga.

Image form: mariano dandie dimataga

Thursday, April 22, 2010

asia's treasure

She is a Filipina known for her character as kim in Miss Saigon. Where she won the Tony award for Best Leading Actress defeating some of the best Broadway actresses . She was also the singing voice of jasmin in Aladin in 1992 and mulan I and II in 1998 and 2004 ( she is the original voice of the reflection, Christina Aquillera just did the pop version). She is the first Asian to do the character of Eponine in Les miserables on Broadway. IN 2007 Salonga sung the "Triumph of the One" in the closing Ceremony in Asian games held in Doha Qatar. Lea Salonga is not just the treasure of her own country Philippines but to the whole Asian continent. She is truly a FILIPINO. She always made the FILIPINO proud of her, with all her performances here and around the world. A lady with a heart, She is also engage with much outreach program. There so much about Lea Salonga. Her achievements, her life and her career.

Truly she is not just Philippine's pride but for the whole asian continent as well. She is Maria Ligaya Carmen Salonga or known as Lea Salonga. an International Broadway actress, An award winning T.V and Movie actress, a recording star. All that and more in only one persona.

Her performance at the asian games where she sang the theme song "triumph of the one"

The images above were found by Google Image Search and may be subject to trademark or copyright

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

PGT: kieth clark delleva

its just rock

pilipinas got more talent

credits to: abs-cbn pilipinas got talent

hatin or lovin this election

I just heard in the news about the support of the ampatuan's to the liberal party, especially their Presidential and Vice Presidential candidate Benigno "Noynoy" S. Aquino III and Mar Roxas candidacy.

Just a month ago,Andal Ampatuan upon transferring to camp Bagong diwa from NBI, he was publicly showed his support to the Nacionalista party. He wore orange-blue rubber baller ID bands of villar. This only shows that te Ampatuan's family is for VILLAR.

Now, andal ampatuan's just changes his mind and he is now for noynoy's candidacy together with Mar Roxas.

Is this for real? well... For me its part of the dirty game of this election .Whoever the candidates that the Ampatuans supported. Surely, the negative vibes of the ampatuan's would let the candidates down during the election day. Its not blind for every body that the ampatuan's family is the prime suspect of the Maguindanao massacre. Which until now th victims seeks for justice.

But do the liberal party accepted it? do Noynoy appreciated the support of the Ampatuans? well ABS CBN news asked him if he will be accepting its support, Aquino confidently says: ''no thanks''The election 2010 turn out to be a comedy.

The image above were found by Google Image Search and may be subject to trademark or copyright.

Mariano Dandie Dimataga and Ma.Tanchellie Ann Lumbre Lobete

He is Mariano Dandie Dimataga. 20 years young, 5'10" in height . Funny, a certified music lover, a model, and the future Mr Philippines. Currently,He is a candidate for MR.MADAUE 2010He was born on the night of February 28,1990 under the Cory Aquino Administration,He firmly believes that life is a wonderful blessing from God. . He is a Filipino with a rich heritage of ethnicity of a PURE FILIPINO (though my friend looks like japanese..hehehhe). He’s also a known a Carolinian.As a child, he used to reverie as a ramp model, MYX or MTV veejay and a cover boy in a plush magazine.

A Mr.Cebu's third runner up, Mr.Ormoc 's 2nd runner up,best in swim wear,Mr.photogenic,Best in formal wear and a Mr. tourism.These are his awards with no backstage so far.And He is planning to go to National pageant. but as of now HE IS A CANDIDATE OF MR.MANDAUE 2010.

He is a CERTIFIED WINNER.Now he joins the search for MR MANDAUE 2010

The search for MR and MISS Maduae is a Beauty competition held every year. and its has a online voting. since MR. mandue has no website just go to http://www.missmandaue.com. voting will starts on Thursday. April 22,2010.




Credits: to my friend mariano dandie for letting me borrow the pictures and to the official facebook account of The Search for Miss Mandaue 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010


Probably, holy week is one of my much-loved seasons aside from Christmas. It appears that, it is on my top two if I rank all the celebration. I grew up with this kind of sacred commemoration, from Maundy Thursday down to Ester Sunday.

Why do we commemorate? As a roman catholic, well apparently this is not only exclusive to catholic folks but to the whole Christian community as well. We have only one Christ isn’t it? One Cross as well as one reason why he was crucified, and that’s for us, mankind to be free from sins.

There are lot of activities we usually do at this time of religiousness: One would be probably confession. Affirmation of sins to the priest would be the focal point to this holy celebration. Why not? Sins are the main reason why he suffered and lay on to the cross. So it is righteous for us to affirm and repent our sins. Second, the way to the cross or often times called as “via cruces”. Apparently this doings is somewhat the re-enactment to the journey of Jesus Christ to the mount Calvary where he was crucified and eventually died. There are fourteen stations and each station has its cross for the people to pray and state: “We adore you Christ and praise you…Because of your holy cross you have redeem the world.” Holy week wouldn’t be complete without listening to the Seven Last word of Jesus Christ. The words he uttered just before he died. These words served as his last will for us to reflect. The significant of these expressions are to respect, obey, to be humble and to forgive. The suffering of Christ gives us the chance to transform ourselves to the be a betterBeing that Christ wants us to be. This time of devoutness is the point to reflect and To give us the moment to show appreciation to him! If not because of that holy cross, we wouldn’t enjoy the freedom of eternal life. Christ doesn’t deserve to be treated like that… but because of great love for us. He manages to accept his destiny to suffered and died. In times like this, we need to pray and express our gratefulness to his great love for us. Its time to give back! Its time to praise and most essentially to FORGIVE. After all, this is for us. For us to be renew… and most importantly to replenish!

Have a blessed holy week everybody and godbless us all