Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gaining Twitter Followers

I joined in this tweeting world last 2010, apparently one year exactly today. But you see I'm not active on this micro blogging not until April 2011 for the reason that I can't update it anymore. I have so many accounts in networking sites; I have two accounts on ( which I rarely open it..and thank god it will be demolish on May 30, 2011.. haha! ) , three accounts on , thee accounts on , one account on and etc. I started to Update my twitter account when these social networking sites mention above becomes too boring. Soooo booooooh! Im tweeting with username akolasalista, following and being followed. Yeabah, recently I have 14 190 tweets to date, I follow 307 people ( celebrities or ordinary people alike) and 498 followed me for just one month.

So, How would I/We gain followers just like Ashton Kutcher (@aplusk) who have 7 500 744 followers, Britney Spears (@itsbritneybitch) with 9 204 503 followers. I crossed this certain article on how to gain genuine followers (

Here are my top five steps to gain followers ( which I really don't know if some of it really works hahah )

  1. Hash-tags -use a tag after each tweet like this #hashtags. people see this and follow you immediately.
  2. You reply, You retweet, You comment - in these manner your account will be visible.
  3. Upload the best DP on your profile- Put a real picture of you and nice bio so that people would see you as a real user and not a poser which help them decide to follow you
  4. a directory of all twitter acount if you sign in
  5. Promote your account- If u have lots of social networking sites, then post your twitter account

Yeah, Twitter is fun... you gain new friends. This microblogging really catches my attention But this is waht I hate about twitter and that is...

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